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The Spirit




Welcome to St. Stephen's

Our Mission

Worship God!

Proclaim Christ's Love!

Feed God's People!


The community at St. Stephen’s would like to welcome you to join us!

Before Covid, St. Stephen’s held two weekly services at 8:30AM and at 10:00 AM each Sunday morning.

At this time we are offering one service at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday. Please join us!

We have Sunday school for ages 3 through Grade 7 at 10:30 a.m. September through May.  We also have Nursery available during the service and Sunday school.


Outside of our regular services there are many ways to become involved. We have several activities and committees that organize events, fundraisers, and community outreach programs.

Our choirs, youth group, Bible study, food bank, fellowship and

Church Council are all very active and always welcoming

new members!    

If you would like to keep up with the news, events and activities

at St. Stephen’s be sure to read the Spirit each month.

We look forward to seeing you at church!



We want to welcome

Pastor Maeve Schurz

as our new Pastor.    








Bible Studies 

 From September through June

Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.


All are welcome to join us 


Our Food Bank is open

By Appointment

Please call 267-261-8672

For donations please use the Bank Option NOT Credit Card. Thank you!

Sunday Services

     Sunday Worship services are;


    9:30 am Worship Services

                   in the Church Sanctuary

                   and on Zoom

                   Nursery is available

   10:30 am September - June

                   Sunday school                   

                   Confirmation Class

                   Nursery is available


   ** See below for this Sunday only **




.Our nursery is unavailable at this time   

A Broadcast system for the hearing impaired is available upon request.  








If the weather turns bad and we need to cancel any services or meetings, please check this website for updates.

Thank you.


Topic: St Stephen's Lutheran Church Zoom Meeting - Church Service
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now


           Join our Cloud HD

           Video Meeting now

                   The following Church services will be held:

                                     Sundays at 9:30 a.m.  


      We welcome you to come in-person. In addition, we ask that if you have any Covid symptoms that you stay home and worship with us on Zoom.

Masks are now optional. If you want to wear one, please feel free to wear one.

All Worship Services will also be on Zoom.

If link does not work, you can type the above address into your search bar and hit enter. Then follow the instructions.

If you are asked for an ID use 770 021 1646

NEW - password is 952153 to watch the Worship Service

In the lower left hand corner on the Zoom screen

you will see a microphone. If there is no line going 

through the microphone, please click your finger or

mouse on it until you see a red line going through.

By muting your microphone you will enjoy

your viewing more.

              If they want to call in they will need to use this # 1 646 558 8656             or 1 301 715 8592 (They can use any of the numbers listed below)

                                         (long distance rates may apply)


                               It will ask for a Meeting ID is 770 021 1646


They can also join Zoom by cell phone or computer by downloading the Zoom application and following the prompts and clicking on the link  in this post.


The Meeting ID and the phone number will not change for any of the Sunday Worship Services



Lisa Marano is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Copyright © 2022 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

CCLI License #11344938   One License # A-727613




Nursery - Child Care

You are welcome to use the nursery, for diaper changes, or if your child is fussy.

We have an attendant so you can attend church services or Bible study, while your child stays

in the nursery.

All are welcome

Invite a Friend


If the weather turns bad,

please check here for updates.

You can also check Facebook 

or call the church phone


Microphone muted.png
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